Ancient Excavated Bronze Beaded Necklace, with lots of patina, Mali.
This necklace is from the Dogon people, who live high in the cliffs of the West African savannah, and make necklaces and jewelry of iron and copper alloy. Beads were most likely strung together or restrung in modern era.
It is estimated to be at least 150 years old, but may be much older.
This is a wearable necklace, but the beads have a lot of vert-de-gris or patina, and wear. Should also be fabulous for use in your own designs.
Similar strands seen in the book, The History of Beads, by Lois Dubin, p. 122.
Approximately 38 beads (including large beads). Long beads vary but measure up to 54mm. 27+ inches of beads.
A very special piece.
Collector Item 174g