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Engraved Silver Crescent-Shaped Fibulae, Tunisia, Sold Separately - Rita Okrent Collection (C265)

Size: Larger

RARE FIND: only one in our inventory

These two engraved crescent-shaped fibulae have been in Rita's collection for a long time, and have not been listed for many years. They were sourced by Rita in the 1980's in Cairo. She thought they came from Libya, but they likely were originally Tunisian and eventually made their way through to Libya and eventually to Egypt.

The fibula is a form of cloak pin, which comes in several styles, and which is used, in North Africa, as a decorative method to fasten clothing. As is mentioned in the Ethnic Jewels Magazine article on fibulae, "Throughout history the fibula has carried significant information within the design, speaking of the wealth, status and rank of the wearer".

These fibulae were likely cut from metal or silver sheets and then engraved/ decorated. The crescent is a traditional motif in Islamic art.

Early 20th century. 

Smaller fibula measures approximately 4x4" 10.1cmx10.1cm (widest point / height). 54 grams.

Larger fibula measures approximately 6.5x6" 16.5cmx15.24cm (widest point / height). 158 grams.

The metal pins for these fibulae are missing. It is likely that the artisans signature and hallmark would be on the pin. It is possible the original pins are in our inventory (we will keep looking!).

This style of fibulae are hard to come by and very special. Lovely as a decoration or for your collection.

As seen in our Ornament advertisement.

Collector Item 265
